class: title, self-paced Packaging d'applications
et CI/CD pour Kubernetes
.nav[*Self-paced version*] .debug[ ``` ``` These slides have been built from commit: 870f27e [shared/](] --- class: title, in-person Packaging d'applications
et CI/CD pour Kubernetes
.footnote[ **Slides[:](** ] .debug[[shared/](] --- ## A brief introduction - This was initially written by [Jérôme Petazzoni]( to support in-person, instructor-led workshops and tutorials - Credit is also due to [multiple contributors]( — thank you! - You can also follow along on your own, at your own pace - We included as much information as possible in these slides - We recommend having a mentor to help you ... - ... Or be comfortable spending some time reading the Kubernetes [documentation]( ... - ... And looking for answers on [StackOverflow]( and other outlets .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: self-paced ## Hands on, you shall practice - Nobody ever became a Jedi by spending their lives reading Wookiepedia - Likewise, it will take more than merely *reading* these slides to make you an expert - These slides include *tons* of exercises and examples - They assume that you have access to a Kubernetes cluster - If you are attending a workshop or tutorial:
you will be given specific instructions to access your cluster - If you are doing this on your own:
the first chapter will give you various options to get your own cluster .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Accessing these slides now - We recommend that you open these slides in your browser: - Use arrows to move to next/previous slide (up, down, left, right, page up, page down) - Type a slide number + ENTER to go to that slide - The slide number is also visible in the URL bar (e.g. .../#123 for slide 123) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Accessing these slides later - Slides will remain online so you can review them later if needed (let's say we'll keep them online at least 1 year, how about that?) - You can download the slides using that URL: (then open the file `3.yml.html`) - You will find new versions of these slides on: .debug[[shared/](] --- ## These slides are open source - You are welcome to use, re-use, share these slides - These slides are written in markdown - The sources of these slides are available in a public GitHub repository: - Typos? Mistakes? Questions? Feel free to hover over the bottom of the slide ... .footnote[.emoji[👇] Try it! The source file will be shown and you can view it on GitHub and fork and edit it.] .debug[[shared/](] --- class: extra-details ## Extra details - This slide has a little magnifying glass in the top left corner - This magnifying glass indicates slides that provide extra details - Feel free to skip them if: - you are in a hurry - you are new to this and want to avoid cognitive overload - you want only the most essential information - You can review these slides another time if you want, they'll be waiting for you ☺ .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Pre-requirements - Be comfortable with the UNIX command line - navigating directories - editing files - a little bit of bash-fu (environment variables, loops) - Some Docker knowledge - `docker run`, `docker ps`, `docker build` - ideally, you know how to write a Dockerfile and build it
(even if it's a `FROM` line and a couple of `RUN` commands) - It's totally OK if you are not a Docker expert! .debug[[shared/](] --- class: title *Tell me and I forget.*
*Teach me and I remember.*
*Involve me and I learn.* Misattributed to Benjamin Franklin [(Probably inspired by Chinese Confucian philosopher Xunzi)]( .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Hands-on sections - The whole workshop is hands-on - We are going to build, ship, and run containers! - You are invited to reproduce all the demos - All hands-on sections are clearly identified, like the gray rectangle below .exercise[ - This is the stuff you're supposed to do! - Go to to view these slides ] .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person ## Where are we going to run our containers? .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person, pic  .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person ## You get a cluster of cloud VMs - Each person gets a private cluster of cloud VMs (not shared with anybody else) - They'll remain up for the duration of the workshop - You should have a little card with login+password+IP addresses - You can automatically SSH from one VM to another - The nodes have aliases: `node1`, `node2`, etc. .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person ## Why don't we run containers locally? - Installing this stuff can be hard on some machines (32 bits CPU or OS... Laptops without administrator access... etc.) - *"The whole team downloaded all these container images from the WiFi!
... and it went great!"* (Literally no-one ever) - All you need is a computer (or even a phone or tablet!), with: - an internet connection - a web browser - an SSH client .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person ## SSH clients - On Linux, OS X, FreeBSD... you are probably all set - On Windows, get one of these: - [putty]( - Microsoft [Win32 OpenSSH]( - [Git BASH]( - [MobaXterm]( - On Android, [JuiceSSH]( ([Play Store]( works pretty well - Nice-to-have: [Mosh]( instead of SSH, if your internet connection tends to lose packets .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person, extra-details ## What is this Mosh thing? *You don't have to use Mosh or even know about it to follow along.
We're just telling you about it because some of us think it's cool!* - Mosh is "the mobile shell" - It is essentially SSH over UDP, with roaming features - It retransmits packets quickly, so it works great even on lossy connections (Like hotel or conference WiFi) - It has intelligent local echo, so it works great even in high-latency connections (Like hotel or conference WiFi) - It supports transparent roaming when your client IP address changes (Like when you hop from hotel to conference WiFi) .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person, extra-details ## Using Mosh - To install it: `(apt|yum|brew) install mosh` - It has been pre-installed on the VMs that we are using - To connect to a remote machine: `mosh user@host` (It is going to establish an SSH connection, then hand off to UDP) - It requires UDP ports to be open (By default, it uses a UDP port between 60000 and 61000) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## WebSSH - The virtual machines are also accessible via WebSSH - This can be useful if: - you can't install an SSH client on your machine - SSH connections are blocked (by firewall or local policy) - To use WebSSH, connect to the IP address of the remote VM on port 1080 (each machine runs a WebSSH server) - Then provide the login and password indicated on your card .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Good to know - WebSSH uses WebSocket - If you're having connections issues, try to disable your HTTP proxy (many HTTP proxies can't handle WebSocket properly) - Most keyboard shortcuts should work, except Ctrl-W (as it is hardwired by the browser to "close this tab") .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person ## Connecting to our lab environment .exercise[ - Log into the first VM (`node1`) with your SSH client: ```bash ssh `user`@`A.B.C.D` ``` (Replace `user` and `A.B.C.D` with the user and IP address provided to you) ] You should see a prompt looking like this: ``` [A.B.C.D] (...) user@node1 ~ $ ``` If anything goes wrong — ask for help! .debug[[shared/](] --- class: in-person ## `tailhist` - The shell history of the instructor is available online in real time - Note the IP address of the instructor's virtual machine (A.B.C.D) - Open http://A.B.C.D:1088 in your browser and you should see the history - The history is updated in real time (using a WebSocket connection) - It should be green when the WebSocket is connected (if it turns red, reloading the page should fix it) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Doing or re-doing the workshop on your own? - Use something like [Play-With-Docker]( or [Play-With-Kubernetes]( Zero setup effort; but environment are short-lived and might have limited resources - Create your own cluster (local or cloud VMs) Small setup effort; small cost; flexible environments - Create a bunch of clusters for you and your friends ([instructions]( Bigger setup effort; ideal for group training .debug[[shared/](] --- ## For a consistent Kubernetes experience ... - If you are using your own Kubernetes cluster, you can use [shpod]( - `shpod` provides a shell running in a pod on your own cluster - It comes with many tools pre-installed (helm, stern...) - These tools are used in many exercises in these slides - `shpod` also gives you completion and a fancy prompt .debug[[shared/](] --- class: self-paced ## Get your own Docker nodes - If you already have some Docker nodes: great! - If not: let's get some thanks to Play-With-Docker .exercise[ - Go to - Log in - Create your first node ] You will need a Docker ID to use Play-With-Docker. (Creating a Docker ID is free.) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## We will (mostly) interact with node1 only *These remarks apply only when using multiple nodes, of course.* - Unless instructed, **all commands must be run from the first VM, `node1`** - We will only check out/copy the code on `node1` - During normal operations, we do not need access to the other nodes - If we had to troubleshoot issues, we would use a combination of: - SSH (to access system logs, daemon status...) - Docker API (to check running containers and container engine status) .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Terminals Once in a while, the instructions will say:
"Open a new terminal." There are multiple ways to do this: - create a new window or tab on your machine, and SSH into the VM; - use screen or tmux on the VM and open a new window from there. You are welcome to use the method that you feel the most comfortable with. .debug[[shared/](] --- ## Tmux cheatsheet [Tmux]( is a terminal multiplexer like `screen`. *You don't have to use it or even know about it to follow along.
But some of us like to use it to switch between terminals.
It has been preinstalled on your workshop nodes.* - Ctrl-b c → creates a new window - Ctrl-b n → go to next window - Ctrl-b p → go to previous window - Ctrl-b " → split window top/bottom - Ctrl-b % → split window left/right - Ctrl-b Alt-1 → rearrange windows in columns - Ctrl-b Alt-2 → rearrange windows in rows - Ctrl-b arrows → navigate to other windows - Ctrl-b d → detach session - tmux attach → reattach to session .debug[[shared/](] --- name: toc-module-1 ## Module 1 - [Kustomize](#toc-kustomize) - [Managing stacks with Helm](#toc-managing-stacks-with-helm) - [Helm chart format](#toc-helm-chart-format) - [Creating a basic chart](#toc-creating-a-basic-chart) - [Creating better Helm charts](#toc-creating-better-helm-charts) - [Helm secrets](#toc-helm-secrets) .debug[(auto-generated TOC)] --- name: toc-module-2 ## Module 2 - [cert-manager](#toc-cert-manager) - [CI/CD with GitLab](#toc-cicd-with-gitlab) - [(Extra content)](#toc-extra-content) - [Collecting metrics with Prometheus](#toc-collecting-metrics-with-prometheus) .debug[(auto-generated TOC)] .debug[[shared/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-kustomize class: title Kustomize .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-module-1) | [Next section](#toc-managing-stacks-with-helm) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Kustomize - Kustomize lets us transform YAML files representing Kubernetes resources - The original YAML files are valid resource files (e.g. they can be loaded with `kubectl apply -f`) - They are left untouched by Kustomize - Kustomize lets us define *kustomizations* - A *kustomization* is conceptually similar to a *layer* - Technically, a *kustomization* is a file named `kustomization.yaml` (or a directory containing that files + additional files) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What's in a kustomization - A kustomization can do any combination of the following: - include other kustomizations - include Kubernetes resources defined in YAML files - patch Kubernetes resources (change values) - add labels or annotations to all resources - specify ConfigMaps and Secrets from literal values or local files (... And a few more advanced features that we won't cover today!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## A simple kustomization This features a Deployment, Service, and Ingress (in separate files), and a couple of patches (to change the number of replicas and the hostname used in the Ingress). ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Kustomization patchesStrategicMerge: - scale-deployment.yaml - ingress-hostname.yaml resources: - deployment.yaml - service.yaml - ingress.yaml ``` On the next slide, let's see a more complex example ... .debug[[k8s/](] --- ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Kustomization commonLabels: add-this-to-all-my-resources: please patchesStrategicMerge: - prod-scaling.yaml - prod-healthchecks.yaml bases: - api/ - frontend/ - db/ - resources: - ingress.yaml - permissions.yaml configMapGenerator: - name: appconfig files: - global.conf - local.conf=prod.conf ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Glossary - A *base* is a kustomization that is referred to by other kustomizations - An *overlay* is a kustomization that refers to other kustomizations - A kustomization can be both a base and an overlay at the same time (a kustomization can refer to another, which can refer to a third) - A *patch* describes how to alter an existing resource (e.g. to change the image in a Deployment; or scaling parameters; etc.) - A *variant* is the final outcome of applying bases + overlays (See the [kustomize glossary]( for more definitions!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What Kustomize *cannot* do - By design, there are a number of things that Kustomize won't do - For instance: - using command-line arguments or environment variables to generate a variant - overlays can only *add* resources, not *remove* them - See the full list of [eschewed features]( for more details .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Kustomize workflows - The Kustomize documentation proposes two different workflows - *Bespoke configuration* - base and overlays managed by the same team - *Off-the-shelf configuration* (OTS) - base and overlays managed by different teams - base is regularly updated by "upstream" (e.g. a vendor) - our overlays and patches should (hopefully!) apply cleanly - we may regularly update the base, or use a remote base .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Remote bases - Kustomize can fetch remote bases using Hashicorp go-getter library - Examples: (remote git repository) (specific tag or branch) (remote archive) (subdirectory in archive) - See [hashicorp/go-getter URL format docs]( for more examples .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Managing `kustomization.yaml` - There are many ways to manage `kustomization.yaml` files, including: - web wizards like [Replicated Ship]( - the `kustomize` CLI - opening the file with our favorite text editor - Let's see these in action! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## An easy way to get started with Kustomize - We are going to use [Replicated Ship]( to experiment with Kustomize - The [Replicated Ship CLI]( has been installed on our clusters - Replicated Ship has multiple workflows; here is what we will do: - initialize a Kustomize overlay from a remote GitHub repository - customize some values using the web UI provided by Ship - look at the resulting files and apply them to the cluster .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Getting started with Ship - We need to run `ship init` in a new directory - `ship init` requires a URL to a remote repository containing Kubernetes YAML - It will clone that repository and start a web UI - Later, it can watch that repository and/or update from it - We will use the [jpetazzo/kubercoins]( repository (it contains all the DockerCoins resources as YAML files) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## `ship init` .exercise[ - Change to a new directory: ```bash mkdir ~/kustomcoins cd ~/kustomcoins ``` - Run `ship init` with the kustomcoins repository: ```bash ship init ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Access the web UI - `ship init` tells us to connect on `localhost:8800` - We need to replace `localhost` with the address of our node (since we run on a remote machine) - Follow the steps in the web UI, and change one parameter (e.g. set the number of replicas in the worker Deployment) - Complete the web workflow, and go back to the CLI .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Inspect the results - Look at the content of our directory - `base` contains the kubercoins repository + a `kustomization.yaml` file - `overlays/ship` contains the Kustomize overlay referencing the base + our patch(es) - `rendered.yaml` is a YAML bundle containing the patched application - `.ship` contains a state file used by Ship .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Using the results - We can `kubectl apply -f rendered.yaml` (on any version of Kubernetes) - Starting with Kubernetes 1.14, we can apply the overlay directly with: ```bash kubectl apply -k overlays/ship ``` - But let's not do that for now! - We will create a new copy of DockerCoins in another namespace .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Deploy DockerCoins with Kustomize .exercise[ - Create a new namespace: ```bash kubectl create namespace kustomcoins ``` - Deploy DockerCoins: ```bash kubectl apply -f rendered.yaml --namespace=kustomcoins ``` - Or, with Kubernetes 1.14, you can also do this: ```bash kubectl apply -k overlays/ship --namespace=kustomcoins ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking our new copy of DockerCoins - We can check the worker logs, or the web UI .exercise[ - Retrieve the NodePort number of the web UI: ```bash kubectl get service webui --namespace=kustomcoins ``` - Open it in a web browser - Look at the worker logs: ```bash kubectl logs deploy/worker --tail=10 --follow --namespace=kustomcoins ``` ] Note: it might take a minute or two for the worker to start. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Working with the `kustomize` CLI - This is another way to get started - General workflow: `kustomize create` to generate an empty `kustomization.yaml` file `kustomize edit add resource` to add Kubernetes YAML files to it `kustomize edit add patch` to add patches to said resources `kustomize build | kubectl apply -f-` or `kubectl apply -k .` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## `kubectl apply -k` - Kustomize has been integrated in `kubectl` - The `kustomize` tool is still needed if we want to use `create`, `edit`, ... - Also, warning: `kubectl apply -k` is a slightly older version than `kustomize`! - In recent versions of `kustomize`, bases can be listed in `resources` (and `kustomize edit add base` will add its arguments to `resources`) - `kubectl apply -k` requires bases to be listed in `bases` (so after using `kustomize edit add base`, we need to fix `kustomization.yaml`) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Differences with Helm - Helm charts use placeholders `{{ like.this }}` - Kustomize "bases" are standard Kubernetes YAML - It is possible to use an existing set of YAML as a Kustomize base - As a result, writing a Helm chart is more work ... - ... But Helm charts are also more powerful; e.g. they can: - use flags to conditionally include resources or blocks - check if a given Kubernetes API group is supported - [and much more]( ??? :EN:- Packaging and running apps with Kustomize :FR:- *Packaging* d'applications avec Kustomize .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-managing-stacks-with-helm class: title Managing stacks with Helm .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-kustomize) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-module-1) | [Next section](#toc-helm-chart-format) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Managing stacks with Helm - We created our first resources with `kubectl run`, `kubectl expose` ... - We have also created resources by loading YAML files with `kubectl apply -f` - For larger stacks, managing thousands of lines of YAML is unreasonable - These YAML bundles need to be customized with variable parameters (E.g.: number of replicas, image version to use ...) - It would be nice to have an organized, versioned collection of bundles - It would be nice to be able to upgrade/rollback these bundles carefully - [Helm]( is an open source project offering all these things! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## CNCF graduation status - On April 30th 2020, Helm was the 10th project to *graduate* within the CNCF .emoji[🎉] (alongside Containerd, Prometheus, and Kubernetes itself) - This is an acknowledgement by the CNCF for projects that *demonstrate thriving adoption, an open governance process,
and a strong commitment to community, sustainability, and inclusivity.* - See [CNCF announcement]( and [Helm announcement]( .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Helm concepts - `helm` is a CLI tool - It is used to find, install, upgrade *charts* - A chart is an archive containing templatized YAML bundles - Charts are versioned - Charts can be stored on private or public repositories .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Differences between charts and packages - A package (deb, rpm...) contains binaries, libraries, etc. - A chart contains YAML manifests (the binaries, libraries, etc. are in the images referenced by the chart) - On most distributions, a package can only be installed once (installing another version replaces the installed one) - A chart can be installed multiple times - Each installation is called a *release* - This allows to install e.g. 10 instances of MongoDB (with potentially different versions and configurations) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Wait a minute ... *But, on my Debian system, I have Python 2 **and** Python 3.
Also, I have multiple versions of the Postgres database engine!* Yes! But they have different package names: - `python2.7`, `python3.8` - `postgresql-10`, `postgresql-11` Good to know: the Postgres package in Debian includes provisions to deploy multiple Postgres servers on the same system, but it's an exception (and it's a lot of work done by the package maintainer, not by the `dpkg` or `apt` tools). .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Helm 2 vs Helm 3 - Helm 3 was released [November 13, 2019]( - Charts remain compatible between Helm 2 and Helm 3 - The CLI is very similar (with minor changes to some commands) - The main difference is that Helm 2 uses `tiller`, a server-side component - Helm 3 doesn't use `tiller` at all, making it simpler (yay!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## With or without `tiller` - With Helm 3: - the `helm` CLI communicates directly with the Kubernetes API - it creates resources (deployments, services...) with our credentials - With Helm 2: - the `helm` CLI communicates with `tiller`, telling `tiller` what to do - `tiller` then communicates with the Kubernetes API, using its own credentials - This indirect model caused significant permissions headaches (`tiller` required very broad permissions to function) - `tiller` was removed in Helm 3 to simplify the security aspects .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Installing Helm - If the `helm` CLI is not installed in your environment, install it .exercise[ - Check if `helm` is installed: ```bash helm ``` - If it's not installed, run the following command: ```bash curl \ | bash ``` ] (To install Helm 2, replace `get-helm-3` with `get`.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Only if using Helm 2 ... - We need to install Tiller and give it some permissions - Tiller is composed of a *service* and a *deployment* in the `kube-system` namespace - They can be managed (installed, upgraded...) with the `helm` CLI .exercise[ - Deploy Tiller: ```bash helm init ``` ] At the end of the install process, you will see: ``` Happy Helming! ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Only if using Helm 2 ... - Tiller needs permissions to create Kubernetes resources - In a more realistic deployment, you might create per-user or per-team service accounts, roles, and role bindings .exercise[ - Grant `cluster-admin` role to `kube-system:default` service account: ```bash kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-admin \ --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default ``` ] (Defining the exact roles and permissions on your cluster requires a deeper knowledge of Kubernetes' RBAC model. The command above is fine for personal and development clusters.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Charts and repositories - A *repository* (or repo in short) is a collection of charts - It's just a bunch of files (they can be hosted by a static HTTP server, or on a local directory) - We can add "repos" to Helm, giving them a nickname - The nickname is used when referring to charts on that repo (for instance, if we try to install `hello/world`, that means the chart `world` on the repo `hello`; and that repo `hello` might be something like .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Managing repositories - Let's check what repositories we have, and add the `stable` repo (the `stable` repo contains a set of official-ish charts) .exercise[ - List our repos: ```bash helm repo list ``` - Add the `stable` repo: ```bash helm repo add stable ``` ] Adding a repo can take a few seconds (it downloads the list of charts from the repo). It's OK to add a repo that already exists (it will merely update it). .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Deprecation warning - That "stable" is being deprecated, in favor of a more decentralized approach (each community / company / group / project hosting their own repository) - We're going to use it here for educational purposes - But if you're looking for production-grade charts, look elsewhere! (namely, on the Helm Hub) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Search available charts - We can search available charts with `helm search` - We need to specify where to search (only our repos, or Helm Hub) - Let's search for all charts mentioning tomcat! .exercise[ - Search for tomcat in the repo that we added earlier: ```bash helm search repo tomcat ``` - Search for tomcat on the Helm Hub: ```bash helm search hub tomcat ``` ] [Helm Hub]( indexes many repos, using the [Monocular]( server. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Charts and releases - "Installing a chart" means creating a *release* - We need to name that release (or use the `--generate-name` to get Helm to generate one for us) .exercise[ - Install the tomcat chart that we found earlier: ```bash helm install java4ever stable/tomcat ``` - List the releases: ```bash helm list ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Searching and installing with Helm 2 - Helm 2 doesn't have support for the Helm Hub - The `helm search` command only takes a search string argument (e.g. `helm search tomcat`) - With Helm 2, the name is optional: `helm install stable/tomcat` will automatically generate a name `helm install --name java4ever stable/tomcat` will specify a name .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Viewing resources of a release - This specific chart labels all its resources with a `release` label - We can use a selector to see these resources .exercise[ - List all the resources created by this release: ```bash kubectl get all --selector=release=java4ever ``` ] Note: this `release` label wasn't added automatically by Helm.
It is defined in that chart. In other words, not all charts will provide this label. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Configuring a release - By default, `stable/tomcat` creates a service of type `LoadBalancer` - We would like to change that to a `NodePort` - We could use `kubectl edit service java4ever-tomcat`, but ... ... our changes would get overwritten next time we update that chart! - Instead, we are going to *set a value* - Values are parameters that the chart can use to change its behavior - Values have default values - Each chart is free to define its own values and their defaults .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking possible values - We can inspect a chart with `helm show` or `helm inspect` .exercise[ - Look at the README for tomcat: ```bash helm show readme stable/tomcat ``` - Look at the values and their defaults: ```bash helm show values stable/tomcat ``` ] The `values` may or may not have useful comments. The `readme` may or may not have (accurate) explanations for the values. (If we're unlucky, there won't be any indication about how to use the values!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Setting values - Values can be set when installing a chart, or when upgrading it - We are going to update `java4ever` to change the type of the service .exercise[ - Update `java4ever`: ```bash helm upgrade java4ever stable/tomcat --set service.type=NodePort ``` ] Note that we have to specify the chart that we use (`stable/tomcat`), even if we just want to update some values. We can set multiple values. If we want to set many values, we can use `-f`/`--values` and pass a YAML file with all the values. All unspecified values will take the default values defined in the chart. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Connecting to tomcat - Let's check the tomcat server that we just installed - Note: its readiness probe has a 60s delay (so it will take 60s after the initial deployment before the service works) .exercise[ - Check the node port allocated to the service: ```bash kubectl get service java4ever-tomcat PORT=$(kubectl get service java4ever-tomcat -o jsonpath={..nodePort}) ``` - Connect to it, checking the demo app on `/sample/`: ```bash curl localhost:$PORT/sample/ ``` ] ??? :EN:- Helm concepts :EN:- Installing software with Helm :EN:- Helm 2, Helm 3, and the Helm Hub :FR:- Fonctionnement général de Helm :FR:- Installer des composants via Helm :FR:- Helm 2, Helm 3, et le *Helm Hub* .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-helm-chart-format class: title Helm chart format .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-managing-stacks-with-helm) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-module-1) | [Next section](#toc-creating-a-basic-chart) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Helm chart format - What exactly is a chart? - What's in it? - What would be involved in creating a chart? (we won't create a chart, but we'll see the required steps) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What is a chart - A chart is a set of files - Some of these files are mandatory for the chart to be viable (more on that later) - These files are typically packed in a tarball - These tarballs are stored in "repos" (which can be static HTTP servers) - We can install from a repo, from a local tarball, or an unpacked tarball (the latter option is preferred when developing a chart) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What's in a chart - A chart must have at least: - a `templates` directory, with YAML manifests for Kubernetes resources - a `values.yaml` file, containing (tunable) parameters for the chart - a `Chart.yaml` file, containing metadata (name, version, description ...) - Let's look at a simple chart, `stable/tomcat` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Downloading a chart - We can use `helm pull` to download a chart from a repo .exercise[ - Download the tarball for `stable/tomcat`: ```bash helm pull stable/tomcat ``` (This will create a file named `tomcat-X.Y.Z.tgz`.) - Or, download + untar `stable/tomcat`: ```bash helm pull stable/tomcat --untar ``` (This will create a directory named `tomcat`.) ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Looking at the chart's content - Let's look at the files and directories in the `tomcat` chart .exercise[ - Display the tree structure of the chart we just downloaded: ```bash tree tomcat ``` ] We see the components mentioned above: `Chart.yaml`, `templates/`, `values.yaml`. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Templates - The `templates/` directory contains YAML manifests for Kubernetes resources (Deployments, Services, etc.) - These manifests can contain template tags (using the standard Go template library) .exercise[ - Look at the template file for the tomcat Service resource: ```bash cat tomcat/templates/appsrv-svc.yaml ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Analyzing the template file - Tags are identified by `{{ ... }}` - `{{ template "x.y" }}` expands a [named template]( (previously defined with `{{ define "x.y "}}...stuff...{{ end }}`) - The `.` in `{{ template "x.y" . }}` is the *context* for that named template (so that the named template block can access variables from the local context) - `{{ }}` refers to [built-in variables]( initialized by Helm (indicating the chart name, version, whether we are installing or upgrading ...) - `{{ }}` refers to tunable/settable [values]( (more on that in a minute) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Values - Each chart comes with a [values file]( - It's a YAML file containing a set of default parameters for the chart - The values can be accessed in templates with e.g. `{{ .Values.x.y }}` (corresponding to field `y` in map `x` in the values file) - The values can be set or overridden when installing or ugprading a chart: - with `--set x.y=z` (can be used multiple times to set multiple values) - with `--values some-yaml-file.yaml` (set a bunch of values from a file) - Charts following best practices will have values following specific patterns (e.g. having a `service` map allowing to set `service.type` etc.) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Other useful tags - `{{ if x }} y {{ end }}` allows to include `y` if `x` evaluates to `true` (can be used for e.g. healthchecks, annotations, or even an entire resource) - `{{ range x }} y {{ end }}` iterates over `x`, evaluating `y` each time (the elements of `x` are assigned to `.` in the range scope) - `{{- x }}`/`{{ x -}}` will remove whitespace on the left/right - The whole [Sprig]( library, with additions: `lower` `upper` `quote` `trim` `default` `b64enc` `b64dec` `sha256sum` `indent` `toYaml` ... .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Pipelines - `{{ quote blah }}` can also be expressed as `{{ blah | quote }}` - With multiple arguments, `{{ x y z }}` can be expressed as `{{ z | x y }}`) - Example: `{{ .Values.annotations | toYaml | indent 4 }}` - transforms the map under `annotations` into a YAML string - indents it with 4 spaces (to match the surrounding context) - Pipelines are not specific to Helm, but a feature of Go templates (check the [Go text/template documentation]( for more details and examples) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## README and NOTES.txt - At the top-level of the chart, it's a good idea to have a README - It will be viewable with e.g. `helm show readme stable/tomcat` - In the `templates/` directory, we can also have a `NOTES.txt` file - When the template is installed (or upgraded), `NOTES.txt` is processed too (i.e. its `{{ ... }}` tags are evaluated) - It gets displayed after the install or upgrade - It's a great place to generate messages to tell the user: - how to connect to the release they just deployed - any passwords or other thing that we generated for them .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Additional files - We can place arbitrary files in the chart (outside of the `templates/` directory) - They can be accessed in templates with `.Files` - They can be transformed into ConfigMaps or Secrets with `AsConfig` and `AsSecrets` (see [this example]( in the Helm docs) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Hooks and tests - We can define *hooks* in our templates - Hooks are resources annotated with `"": NAME-OF-HOOK` - Hook names include `pre-install`, `post-install`, `test`, [and much more]( - The resources defined in hooks are loaded at a specific time - Hook execution is *synchronous* (if the resource is a Job or Pod, Helm will wait for its completion) - This can be use for database migrations, backups, notifications, smoke tests ... - Hooks named `test` are executed only when running `helm test RELEASE-NAME` ??? :EN:- Helm charts format :FR:- Le format des *Helm charts* .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-creating-a-basic-chart class: title Creating a basic chart .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-helm-chart-format) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-module-1) | [Next section](#toc-creating-better-helm-charts) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Creating a basic chart - We are going to show a way to create a *very simplified* chart - In a real chart, *lots of things* would be templatized (Resource names, service types, number of replicas...) .exercise[ - Create a sample chart: ```bash helm create dockercoins ``` - Move away the sample templates and create an empty template directory: ```bash mv dockercoins/templates dockercoins/default-templates mkdir dockercoins/templates ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exporting the YAML for our application - The following section assumes that DockerCoins is currently running - If DockerCoins is not running, see next slide .exercise[ - Create one YAML file for each resource that we need: .small[ ```bash while read kind name; do kubectl get -o yaml $kind $name > dockercoins/templates/$name-$kind.yaml done <
release-info` : ```bash kubectl get secret sh.helm.release.v1.tomcat.v2 \ -o go-template='{{ .data.release | base64decode | base64decode }}' \ | gunzip -c > release-info ``` - Look at `release-info`: ```bash cat release-info ``` ] -- It's a bundle of ~~YAML~~ JSON. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Looking at the JSON If we inspect that JSON (e.g. with `jq keys release-info`), we see: - `chart` (contains the entire chart used for that release) - `config` (contains the values that we've set) - `info` (date of deployment, status messages) - `manifest` (YAML generated from the templates) - `name` (name of the release, so `tomcat`) - `namespace` (namespace where we deployed the release) - `version` (revision number within that release; starts at 1) The chart is in a structured format, but it's entirely captured in this JSON. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Conclusions - Helm stores each release information in a Secret in the namespace of the release - The secret is JSON object (gzipped and encoded in base64) - It contains the manifests generated for that release - ... And everything needed to rebuild these manifests (including the full source of the chart, and the values used) - This allows arbitrary rollbacks, as well as tweaking values even without having access to the source of the chart (or the chart repo) used for deployment ??? :EN:- Deep dive into Helm internals :FR:- Fonctionnement interne de Helm .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-cert-manager class: title cert-manager .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-helm-secrets) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-module-2) | [Next section](#toc-cicd-with-gitlab) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # cert-manager - cert-manager¹ facilitates certificate signing through the Kubernetes API: - we create a Certificate object (that's a CRD) - cert-manager creates a private key - it signs that key ... - ... or interacts with a certificate authority to obtain the signature - it stores the resulting key+cert in a Secret resource - These Secret resources can be used in many places (Ingress, mTLS, ...) .footnote[.red[¹]Always lower case, words separated with a dash; see the [style guide](] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Getting signatures - cert-manager can use multiple *Issuers* (another CRD), including: - self-signed - cert-manager acting as a CA - the [ACME protocol](]) (notably used by Let's Encrypt) - [HashiCorp Vault]( - Multiple issuers can be configured simultaneously - Issuers can be available in a single namespace, or in the whole cluster (then we use the *ClusterIssuer* CRD) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## cert-manager in action - We will install cert-manager - We will create a ClusterIssuer to obtain certificates with Let's Encrypt (this will involve setting up an Ingress Controller) - We will create a Certificate request - cert-manager will honor that request and create a TLS Secret .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Installing cert-manager - It can be installed with a YAML manifest, or with Helm .exercise[ - Create the namespace for cert-manager: ```bash kubectl create ns cert-manager ``` - Add the Jetstack repository: ```bash helm repo add jetstack ``` - Install cert-manager: ```bash helm install cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \ --namespace cert-manager \ --set installCRDs=true ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## ClusterIssuer manifest ```yaml apiVersion: kind: ClusterIssuer metadata: name: letsencrypt-staging spec: acme: # Remember to update this if you use this manifest to obtain real certificates :) email: server: # To use the production environment, use the following line instead: #server: privateKeySecretRef: name: issuer-letsencrypt-staging solvers: - http01: ingress: class: traefik ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating the ClusterIssuer - The manifest shown on the previous slide is in [k8s/cm-clusterissuer.yaml]( .exercise[ - Create the ClusterIssuer: ```bash kubectl apply -f ~/ ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Certificate manifest ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Certificate metadata: name: spec: secretName: dnsNames: - issuerRef: name: letsencrypt-staging kind: ClusterIssuer ``` - The `name`, `secretName`, and `dnsNames` don't have to match - There can be multiple `dnsNames` - The `issuerRef` must match the ClusterIssuer that we created earlier .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Creating the Certificate - The manifest shown on the previous slide is in [k8s/cm-certificate.yaml]( .exercise[ - Edit the Certificate to update the domain name (make sure to replace A.B.C.D with the IP address of one of your nodes!) - Create the Certificate: ```bash kubectl apply -f ~/ ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What's happening? - cert-manager will create: - the secret key - a Pod, a Service, and an Ingress to complete the HTTP challenge - then it waits for the challenge to complete .exercise[ - View the resources created by cert-manager: ```bash kubectl get pods,services,ingresses \ ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## HTTP challenge - The CA (in this case, Let's Encrypt) will fetch a particular URL: `http://
` .exercise[ - Check the *path* of the Ingress in particular: ```bash kubectl describe ingress ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What's missing ? -- An Ingress Controller! 😅 .exercise[ - Install an Ingress Controller: ```bash kubectl apply -f ~/ ``` - Wait a little bit, and check that we now have a `` Secret: ```bash kubectl get secrets ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Using the secret - For bonus points, try to use the secret in an Ingress! - This is what the manifest would look like: ```yaml apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: xyz spec: tls: - secretName: hosts: - rules: ... ``` .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Let's Encrypt and - Let's Encrypt has [rate limits]( per domain (the limits only apply to the production environment, not staging) - There is a limit of 50 certificates per registered domain - If we try to use the production environment, we will probably hit the limit - It's fine to use the staging environment for these experiments (our certs won't validate in a browser, but we can always check the details of the cert to verify that it was issued by Let's Encrypt!) ??? :EN:- Obtaining certificates with cert-manager :FR:- Obtenir des certificats avec cert-manager .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-cicd-with-gitlab class: title CI/CD with GitLab .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-cert-manager) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-module-2) | [Next section](#toc-extra-content) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # CI/CD with GitLab - In this section, we will see how to set up a CI/CD pipeline with GitLab (using a "self-hosted" GitLab; i.e. running on our Kubernetes cluster) - The big picture: - each time we push code to GitLab, it will be deployed in a staging environment - each time we push the `production` tag, it will be deployed in production .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Disclaimers - We'll use GitLab here as an exemple, but there are many other options (e.g. some combination of Argo, Harbor, Tekton ...) - There are also hosted options (e.g. GitHub Actions and many others) - We'll use a specific pipeline and workflow, but it's purely arbitrary (treat it as a source of inspiration, not a model to be copied!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Workflow overview - Push code to GitLab's git server - GitLab notices the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file, which defines our pipeline - Our pipeline can have multiple *stages* executed sequentially (e.g. lint, build, test, deploy ...) - Each stage can have multiple *jobs* executed in parallel (e.g. build images in parallel) - Each job will be executed in an independent *runner* pod .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Pipeline overview - Our repository holds source code, Dockerfiles, and a Helm chart - *Lint* stage will check the Helm chart validity - *Build* stage will build container images (and push them to GitLab's integrated registry) - *Deploy* stage will deploy the Helm chart, using these images - Pushes to `production` will deploy to "the" production namespace - Pushes to other tags/branches will deploy to a namespace created on the fly - We will discuss shortcomings and alternatives and the end of this chapter! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Lots of requirements - We need *a lot* of components to pull this off: - a domain name - a storage class - a TLS-capable ingress controller - the cert-manager operator - GitLab itself - the GitLab pipeline - Wow, why?!? .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## I find your lack of TLS disturbing - We need a container registry (obviously!) - Docker (and other container engines) *require* TLS on the registry (with valid certificates) - A few options: - use a "real" TLS certificate (e.g. obtained with Let's Encrypt) - use a self-signed TLS certificate - communicate with the registry over localhost (TLS isn't required then) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Why not self-signed certs? - When using self-signed certs, we need to either: - add the cert (or CA) to trusted certs - disable cert validation - This needs to be done on *every client* connecting to the registry: - CI/CD pipeline (building and pushing images) - container engine (deploying the images) - other tools (e.g. container security scanner) - It's doable, but it's a lot of hacks (especially when adding more tools!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Why not localhost? - TLS is usually not required when the registry is on localhost - We could expose the registry e.g. on a `NodePort` - ... And then tweak the CI/CD pipeline to use that instead - This is great when obtaining valid certs is difficult: - air-gapped or internal environments (that can't use Let's Encrypt) - no domain name available - Downside: the registry isn't easily or safely available from outside (the `NodePort` essentially defeats TLS) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Can we use ``? - We will use Let's Encrypt - Let's Encrypt has a quota of certificates per domain (in 2020, that was [50 certificates per week per domain]( - So if we all use ``, we will probably run into that limit - But you can try and see if it works! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Ingress - We will assume that we have a domain name pointing to our cluster (i.e. with a wildcard record pointing to at least one node of the cluster) - We will get traffic in the cluster by leveraging `ExternalIPs` services (but it would be easy to use `LoadBalancer` services instead) - We will use Traefik as the ingress controller (but any other one should work too) - We will use cert-manager to obtain certificates with Let's Encrypt .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Other details - We will deploy GitLab with its official Helm chart - It will still require a bunch of parameters and customization - We also need a Storage Class (unless our cluster already has one, of course) - We suggest the [Rancher local path provisioner]( .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Setting everything up 1. `git clone` 2. `export` (we need a real email address and a domain pointing to the cluster!) 3. `. setup-gitlab-on-k8s.rc` (this doesn't do anything, but defines a number of helper functions) 4. Execute each helper function, one after another (try `do_[TAB]` to see these functions) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Local Storage `do_1_localstorage` Applies the YAML directly from Rancher's repository. Annotate the Storage Class so that it becomes the default one. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Traefik `do_2_traefik_with_externalips` Install the official Traefik Helm chart. Instead of a `LoadBalancer` service, use a `ClusterIP` with `ExternalIPs`. Automatically infer the `ExternalIPs` from `kubectl get nodes`. Enable TLS. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## cert-manager `do_3_certmanager` Install cert-manager using their official YAML. Easy-peasy. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Certificate issuers `do_4_issuers` Create a couple of `ClusterIssuer` resources for cert-manager. (One for the staging Let's Encrypt environment, one for production.) Note: this requires to specify a valid `$EMAIL` address! Note: if this fails, wait a bit and try again (cert-manager needs to be up). .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## GitLab `do_5_gitlab` Deploy GitLab using their official Helm chart. We pass a lot of parameters to this chart: - the domain name to use - disable GitLab's own ingress and cert-manager - annotate the ingress resources so that cert-manager kicks in - bind the shell service (git over SSH) to port 222 to avoid conflict - use ExternalIPs for that shell service Note: on modest cloud instances, it can take 10 minutes for GitLab to come up. We can check the status with `kubectl get pods --namespace=gitlab` .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Log into GitLab and configure it `do_6_showlogin` This will get the GitLab root password (stored in a Secret). Then we need to: - log into GitLab - add our SSH key (top-right user menu → settings, then SSH keys on the left) - create a project (using the + menu next to the search bar on top) - go to project configuration (on the left, settings → CI/CD) - add a `KUBECONFIG` file variable with the content of our `.kube/config` file - go to settings → access tokens to create a read-only registry token - add variables `REGISTRY_USER` and `REGISTRY_PASSWORD` with that token - push our repo (`git remote add gitlab ...` then `git push gitlab ...`) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Monitoring progress and troubleshooting - Click on "CI/CD" in the left bar to view pipelines - If you see a permission issue mentioning `system:serviceaccount:gitlab:...`: *make sure you did set `KUBECONFIG` correctly!* - GitLab will create namespaces named `gl-
` - At the end of the deployment, the web UI will be available on some unique URL (`http://
`) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Production - `git tag -f production && git push -f --tags` - Our CI/CD pipeline will deploy on the production URL (`http://
`) - It will do it *only* if that same git commit was pushed to staging first (look in the pipeline configuration file to see how it's done!) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Let's talk about build - There are many ways to build container images on Kubernetes - ~~And they all suck~~ Many of them have inconveniencing issues - Let's do a quick review! .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Docker-based approaches - Bind-mount the Docker socket - very easy, but requires Docker Engine - build resource usage "evades" Kubernetes scheduler - insecure - Docker-in-Docker in a pod - requires privileged pod - insecure - approaches like rootless or sysbox might help in the future - External build host - more secure - requires resources outside of the Kubernetes cluster .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Non-privileged builders - Kaniko - each build runs in its own containers or pod - no caching by default - registry-based caching is possible - BuildKit / `docker buildx` - can leverage Docker Engine or long-running Kubernetes worker pod - supports distributed, multi-arch build farms - basic caching out of the box - can also leverage registry-based caching .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Other approaches - Ditch the Dockerfile! - bazel - jib - ko - etc. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Discussion - Our CI/CD workflow is just *one* of the many possibilities - It would be nice to add some actual unit or e2e tests - Map the production namespace to a "real" domain name - Automatically remove older staging environments (see e.g. [kube-janitor]( - Deploy production to a separate cluster - Better segregate permissions (don't give `cluster-admin` to the GitLab pipeline) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Pros - GitLab is an amazing, open source, all-in-one platform - Available as hosted, community, or enterprise editions - Rich ecosystem, very customizable - Can run on Kubernetes, or somewhere else .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Cons - It can be difficult to use components separately (e.g. use a different registry, or a different job runner) - More than one way to configure it (it's not an opinionated platform) - Not "Kubernetes-native" (for instance, jobs are not Kubernetes jobs) - Job latency could be improved *Note: most of these drawbacks are the flip side of the "pros" on the previous slide!* ??? :EN:- CI/CD with GitLab :FR:- CI/CD avec GitLab .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-extra-content class: title (Extra content) .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-cicd-with-gitlab) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-module-2) | [Next section](#toc-collecting-metrics-with-prometheus) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # (Extra content) .debug[[3.yml](] --- class: pic .interstitial[] --- name: toc-collecting-metrics-with-prometheus class: title Collecting metrics with Prometheus .nav[ [Previous section](#toc-extra-content) | [Back to table of contents](#toc-module-2) | [Next section](#toc-) ] .debug[(automatically generated title slide)] --- # Collecting metrics with Prometheus - Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system including: - multiple *service discovery* backends to figure out which metrics to collect - a *scraper* to collect these metrics - an efficient *time series database* to store these metrics - a specific query language (PromQL) to query these time series - an *alert manager* to notify us according to metrics values or trends - We are going to use it to collect and query some metrics on our Kubernetes cluster .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Why Prometheus? - We don't endorse Prometheus more or less than any other system - It's relatively well integrated within the cloud-native ecosystem - It can be self-hosted (this is useful for tutorials like this) - It can be used for deployments of varying complexity: - one binary and 10 lines of configuration to get started - all the way to thousands of nodes and millions of metrics .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Exposing metrics to Prometheus - Prometheus obtains metrics and their values by querying *exporters* - An exporter serves metrics over HTTP, in plain text - This is what the *node exporter* looks like: - Prometheus itself exposes its own internal metrics, too: - If you want to expose custom metrics to Prometheus: - serve a text page like these, and you're good to go - libraries are available in various languages to help with quantiles etc. .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## How Prometheus gets these metrics - The *Prometheus server* will *scrape* URLs like these at regular intervals (by default: every minute; can be more/less frequent) - The list of URLs to scrape (the *scrape targets*) is defined in configuration .footnote[Worried about the overhead of parsing a text format?
Check this [comparison]( of the text format with the (now deprecated) protobuf format!] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Defining scrape targets This is maybe the simplest configuration file for Prometheus: ```yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: 'prometheus' static_configs: - targets: ['localhost:9090'] ``` - In this configuration, Prometheus collects its own internal metrics - A typical configuration file will have multiple `scrape_configs` - In this configuration, the list of targets is fixed - A typical configuration file will use dynamic service discovery .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Service discovery This configuration file will leverage existing DNS `A` records: ```yaml scrape_configs: - ... - job_name: 'node' dns_sd_configs: - names: [''] type: 'A' port: 9100 ``` - In this configuration, Prometheus resolves the provided name(s) (here, ``) - Each resulting IP address is added as a target on port 9100 .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Dynamic service discovery - In the DNS example, the names are re-resolved at regular intervals - As DNS records are created/updated/removed, scrape targets change as well - Existing data (previously collected metrics) is not deleted - Other service discovery backends work in a similar fashion .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Other service discovery mechanisms - Prometheus can connect to e.g. a cloud API to list instances - Or to the Kubernetes API to list nodes, pods, services ... - Or a service like Consul, Zookeeper, etcd, to list applications - The resulting configurations files are *way more complex* (but don't worry, we won't need to write them ourselves) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Time series database - We could wonder, "why do we need a specialized database?" - One metrics data point = metrics ID + timestamp + value - With a classic SQL or noSQL data store, that's at least 160 bits of data + indexes - Prometheus is way more efficient, without sacrificing performance (it will even be gentler on the I/O subsystem since it needs to write less) - Would you like to know more? Check this video: [Storage in Prometheus 2.0]( by [Goutham V]( at DC17EU .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Checking if Prometheus is installed - Before trying to install Prometheus, let's check if it's already there .exercise[ - Look for services with a label `app=prometheus` across all namespaces: ```bash kubectl get services --selector=app=prometheus --all-namespaces ``` ] If we see a `NodePort` service called `prometheus-server`, we're good! (We can then skip to "Connecting to the Prometheus web UI".) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Running Prometheus on our cluster We need to: - Run the Prometheus server in a pod (using e.g. a Deployment to ensure that it keeps running) - Expose the Prometheus server web UI (e.g. with a NodePort) - Run the *node exporter* on each node (with a Daemon Set) - Set up a Service Account so that Prometheus can query the Kubernetes API - Configure the Prometheus server (storing the configuration in a Config Map for easy updates) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Helm charts to the rescue - To make our lives easier, we are going to use a Helm chart - The Helm chart will take care of all the steps explained above (including some extra features that we don't need, but won't hurt) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Step 1: install Helm - If we already installed Helm earlier, this command won't break anything .exercise[ - Install the Helm CLI: ```bash curl \ | bash ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Step 2: add the `prometheus-community` repo - This will add the repository containing the chart for Prometheus - This command is idempotent (it won't break anything if the repository was already added) .exercise[ - Add the repository: ```bash helm repo add prometheus-community \ ``` ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Step 3: install Prometheus - The following command, just like the previous ones, is idempotent (it won't error out if Prometheus is already installed) .exercise[ - Install Prometheus on our cluster: ```bash helm upgrade prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus \ --install \ --namespace kube-system \ --set server.service.type=NodePort \ --set server.service.nodePort=30090 \ --set server.persistentVolume.enabled=false \ --set alertmanager.enabled=false ``` ] Curious about all these flags? They're explained in the next slide. .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Explaining all the Helm flags - `helm upgrade prometheus` → upgrade the release named `prometheus` ...
(a "release" is an instance of an app deployed with Helm) - `prometheus-community/...` → of a chart located in the `prometheus-community` repo ... - `.../prometheus` → in that repo, get the chart named `prometheus` ... - `--install` → if the app doesn't exist, create it ... - `--namespace kube-system` → put it in that specific namespace ... - ... and set the following *values* when rendering the chart's templates: - `server.service.type=NodePort` → expose the Prometheus server with a NodePort - `server.service.nodePort=30090` → set the specific NodePort number to use - `server.persistentVolume.enabled=false` → do not use a PersistentVolumeClaim - `alertmanager.enabled=false` → disable the alert manager entirely .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Connecting to the Prometheus web UI - Let's connect to the web UI and see what we can do .exercise[ - Figure out the NodePort that was allocated to the Prometheus server: ```bash kubectl get svc --all-namespaces | grep prometheus-server ``` - With your browser, connect to that port ] .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Querying some metrics - This is easy... if you are familiar with PromQL .exercise[ - Click on "Graph", and in "expression", paste the following: ``` sum by (instance) ( irate( container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{ pod_name=~"worker.*" }[5m] ) ) ``` ] - Click on the blue "Execute" button and on the "Graph" tab just below - We see the cumulated CPU usage of worker pods for each node
(if we just deployed Prometheus, there won't be much data to see, though) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Getting started with PromQL - We can't learn PromQL in just 5 minutes - But we can cover the basics to get an idea of what is possible (and have some keywords and pointers) - We are going to break down the query above (building it one step at a time) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Graphing one metric across all tags This query will show us CPU usage across all containers: ``` container_cpu_usage_seconds_total ``` - The suffix of the metrics name tells us: - the unit (seconds of CPU) - that it's the total used since the container creation - Since it's a "total," it is an increasing quantity (we need to compute the derivative if we want e.g. CPU % over time) - We see that the metrics retrieved have *tags* attached to them .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Selecting metrics with tags This query will show us only metrics for worker containers: ``` container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod_name=~"worker.*"} ``` - The `=~` operator allows regex matching - We select all the pods with a name starting with `worker` (it would be better to use labels to select pods; more on that later) - The result is a smaller set of containers .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Transforming counters in rates This query will show us CPU usage % instead of total seconds used: ``` 100*irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod_name=~"worker.*"}[5m]) ``` - The [`irate`]( operator computes the "per-second instant rate of increase" - `rate` is similar but allows decreasing counters and negative values - with `irate`, if a counter goes back to zero, we don't get a negative spike - The `[5m]` tells how far to look back if there is a gap in the data - And we multiply with `100*` to get CPU % usage .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Aggregation operators This query sums the CPU usage per node: ``` sum by (instance) ( irate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total{pod_name=~"worker.*"}[5m]) ) ``` - `instance` corresponds to the node on which the container is running - `sum by (instance) (...)` computes the sum for each instance - Note: all the other tags are collapsed (in other words, the resulting graph only shows the `instance` tag) - PromQL supports many more [aggregation operators]( .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## What kind of metrics can we collect? - Node metrics (related to physical or virtual machines) - Container metrics (resource usage per container) - Databases, message queues, load balancers, ... (check out this [list of exporters](!) - Instrumentation (=deluxe `printf` for our code) - Business metrics (customers served, revenue, ...) .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Node metrics - CPU, RAM, disk usage on the whole node - Total number of processes running, and their states - Number of open files, sockets, and their states - I/O activity (disk, network), per operation or volume - Physical/hardware (when applicable): temperature, fan speed... - ...and much more! .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Container metrics - Similar to node metrics, but not totally identical - RAM breakdown will be different - active vs inactive memory - some memory is *shared* between containers, and specially accounted for - I/O activity is also harder to track - async writes can cause deferred "charges" - some page-ins are also shared between containers For details about container metrics, see: .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Application metrics - Arbitrary metrics related to your application and business - System performance: request latency, error rate... - Volume information: number of rows in database, message queue size... - Business data: inventory, items sold, revenue... .debug[[k8s/](] --- class: extra-details ## Detecting scrape targets - Prometheus can leverage Kubernetes service discovery (with proper configuration) - Services or pods can be annotated with: - ` true` to enable scraping - ` 9090` to indicate the port number - ` /metrics` to indicate the URI (`/metrics` by default) - Prometheus will detect and scrape these (without needing a restart or reload) .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Querying labels - What if we want to get metrics for containers belonging to a pod tagged `worker`? - The cAdvisor exporter does not give us Kubernetes labels - Kubernetes labels are exposed through another exporter - We can see Kubernetes labels through metrics `kube_pod_labels` (each container appears as a time series with constant value of `1`) - Prometheus *kind of* supports "joins" between time series - But only if the names of the tags match exactly .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## Unfortunately ... - The cAdvisor exporter uses tag `pod_name` for the name of a pod - The Kubernetes service endpoints exporter uses tag `pod` instead - See [this blog post]( or [this other one]( to see how to perform "joins" - Alas, Prometheus cannot "join" time series with different labels (see [Prometheus issue #2204]( for the rationale) - There is a workaround involving relabeling, but it's "not cheap" - see [this comment]( for an overview - or [this blog post]( for a complete description of the process .debug[[k8s/](] --- ## In practice - Grafana is a beautiful (and useful) frontend to display all kinds of graphs - Not everyone needs to know Prometheus, PromQL, Grafana, etc. - But in a team, it is valuable to have at least one person who know them - That person can set up queries and dashboards for the rest of the team - It's a little bit like knowing how to optimize SQL queries, Dockerfiles... Don't panic if you don't know these tools! ...But make sure at least one person in your team is on it 💯 ??? :EN:- Collecting metrics with Prometheus :FR:- Collecter des métriques avec Prometheus .debug[[k8s/](]